Personal Insights in Tech

Category: Personal

All posts tagged as [personal] have more to do with latest adventures in personal life, lessons learned, etc.

Office chair cylinder repair and wheel upgrade

The following covers the dilemma I faced with the cylinder of my office chair beginning to fail, eventual solution, and a quality of life upgrade to the wheels!

Office Chair post cylinder replacement and wheel upgrade.


I bought a Homall “S-Racer” Office Chair back around 2018, and it has served me well; transitioning over the course of the pandemic from purely Evening usage, then part-time telecommuting, and eventually full-time telecommuting.

A few months back the office chair cylinder began to fail. I would raise the chair to maximum height, sit down to begin working, and the chair would gradually (more quickly over time) begin to descend as I typed – no longer holding position. Apparently this is a fairly common problem.

After some procrastination – enabled by stealing my Wife’s office chair for a period since she prefers to telecommute at the dining table anyway – I finally opted to try and fix this issue, and at worst, buy a new chair.

Attempted Fix #1

Some brief googling showed me some rustic solutions, such as sheathing the existing cylinder with a PVC pipe to hold the chair in place at desired height. I thought a stainless steel adjustable clamp may serve in a similar manner, but while it did help a little, eventually the light grease from the cylinder had the clamp sliding down the cylinder as the chair descended.

Attempted Fix #2

Not wanting to unnecessarily spend $100-$300 on a new office chair when this one was still arguably 80% functional, I decided to give replacing the cylinder a try. To my surprise, a hopeful replacement cylinder was cheaper than I initially expected, even Prime-able from Amazon.

Resorting to some YouTube DIY on how to replace an office chair cylinder, I easily dismantled the wheel assembly and old, failing, cylinder using just a rubber mallet. Installing the new cylinder after removing the old was as simple as pushing into place.

Raised old cylinder compared to new cylinder out of box with cap still on.

NOTE: Do not make my rookie mistake, and ensure you remove the plastic cap on the new cylinder prior to installation, and before re-assembling everything – otherwise the cylinder will not raise and lower!

Wheels Enhancement!

Since I was in the middle of this project anyway, I opted to order some new wheels for my chair; an idea originating from a Tweet from Scott Hanselman some months back.

Old factory model wheels compared to new roller skating wheels.

This swap out proved super simple, just pulling the old wheels out of assembly slot and pressing the new ones into place. These new wheels add a little extra height to the chair overall, and more smoothly glide across my chair mat and the carpet at large.

A few weeks have passed since these changes were made, and thus far height adjustments are once again holding where set!

Hello world!

Thank you for stopping by! My name is James Scurlock, and these Analytic Archives serve as my personal digital archive and blog. Beginning here in 2021, I intend to share my observations on:

  • the modern IT world
  • software development
  • business intelligence
  • data culture
  • DevOps
  • Power BI
  • current projects and the (hopeful) solutions to them
    • and more!

My career as an IT professional spans over 10 years. The early years as a software developer involved maintenance and enhancements to Visual Basic – Windows Forms applications on .NET Framework 2.0.

The longer and later span of my career has involved coding in C# and ASP.NET Core for web applications among systems both internal for my employer(s) personnel and externally facing to the public.

I have also dabbled over the years in other coding/scripting languages like COBOL, Java, Python, jQuery, and PowerShell, seeking solutions to problems at hand and pursuing personal projects.

Seeking a change, In the past year I transitioned teams and job duties from being a Software Engineer to being a Data Analyst, helping my team drive the charge as my employer pursues adoption of Power BI throughout our enterprise and varied business units.

At this time in my current role, I create, update, and manage many Paginated and Power BI reports on our on-premise Power BI Report Server, with anticipation of eventually moving our enterprise business intelligence usage to the cloud in the Power BI Service. My desire is not simply to meet end-user requests at large, but rather empower them with self-service solutions which allow them to explore their data through varied visual graphics, carving the data in ways that meet their need.

The goal of this blog at large is:

  • to improve my writing and presentation skills
  • to share what I learn in hopes that it will help others
  • to seek advice and solutions to ongoing challenges
  • to simply share some interesting personal stories.

Perhaps have a little fun along the way as well. Please check back often for updated content!

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