Thank you for stopping by! My name is James Scurlock, and these Analytic Archives serve as my personal digital archive and blog. Beginning here in 2021, I intend to share my observations on:

  • the modern IT world
  • software development
  • business intelligence
  • data culture
  • DevOps
  • Power BI
  • current projects and the (hopeful) solutions to them
    • and more!

My career as an IT professional spans over 10 years. The early years as a software developer involved maintenance and enhancements to Visual Basic – Windows Forms applications on .NET Framework 2.0.

The longer and later span of my career has involved coding in C# and ASP.NET Core for web applications among systems both internal for my employer(s) personnel and externally facing to the public.

I have also dabbled over the years in other coding/scripting languages like COBOL, Java, Python, jQuery, and PowerShell, seeking solutions to problems at hand and pursuing personal projects.

Seeking a change, In the past year I transitioned teams and job duties from being a Software Engineer to being a Data Analyst, helping my team drive the charge as my employer pursues adoption of Power BI throughout our enterprise and varied business units.

At this time in my current role, I create, update, and manage many Paginated and Power BI reports on our on-premise Power BI Report Server, with anticipation of eventually moving our enterprise business intelligence usage to the cloud in the Power BI Service. My desire is not simply to meet end-user requests at large, but rather empower them with self-service solutions which allow them to explore their data through varied visual graphics, carving the data in ways that meet their need.

The goal of this blog at large is:

  • to improve my writing and presentation skills
  • to share what I learn in hopes that it will help others
  • to seek advice and solutions to ongoing challenges
  • to simply share some interesting personal stories.

Perhaps have a little fun along the way as well. Please check back often for updated content!